Oceanluxyachts.com is not responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy, adequacy, completeness and timeliness of information provided by the owner of the yacht. No liability for errors that may be in the information and services and assumes no duty or obligation to verify or monitor the content and information.
Neither oceanluxyachts.com nor any of its principals, officers, employees, third party content providers or affiliated entities will be liable for any loss, damages or expenses of any kind including without limitation: compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages; loss of data, income or profit; loss of or damage to property; or, claims by third parties in connection with the copying or use of any information or material contained in or referred to on this website, or otherwise from the use of this website.
Oceanluxyachts.com makes no representation of the website being error free. All information contained herein is presented in good faith and subject to change, errors, and omissions at any time. Accuracy and reliability of such information is neither guaranteed nor warranted.
Oceanluxyachts.com solely offers information service as it appears on the web. Oceanluxyachts.com is not responsible for the damage and prejudices that may be because of the quality, price, content or availability of the services you want to hire or already hired.
Oceanluxyachts.com is not part of any agreement between owners and customers nor a boat rental agency. Oceanluxyachts.com has no control over the conduct of owners, customers and other users of the site, and disclaims all liability in this regard. In any case, oceanluxyachts.com can also change without notice the design and content of the website and services.
If you see any content on the website that may infringe upon intellectual and industrial property rights, we ask you to please notify oceanluxyachts.com as briefly as possible by sending an email to info@oceanluxyachts.com.
Where oceanluxyachts.com requests users’ personal information such as name and contact details, this information is securely stored and will be used for the purpose for which it was provided. It may periodically be used also for the appropriate marketing of oceanluxyachts.com’s services to the user.
Oceanluxyachts.com does not disclose users' information to any external third parties. Furthermore, after enjoying the experience, we will send you another e-mail inviting to complete a feedback form so we can improve the information of the boat and the service's website. Also, from time to time we will contact you via email to provide new information, opportunities and offers.
Oceanluxyachts.com is owned by Ocean Luxury Yacht, Inc.
In compliance with the article 10 of law 34/2002, of 11 July, of services of the information society and electronic commerce (LSSI) are the identifying data of the company.
Property and use of content:
The information received through our web site oceanluxyachts.com will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. To make a rental request, the user guarantees the truthfulness, accuracy and authenticity of all those data communicated, assuming to Ocean Luxury Yacht, Inc. any liability arising out of the provision of false or inaccurate information and the damages to the company or third parties liable to cause such circumstance.
We inform about the existence of files of personal data that respond to the purpose of managing the rentals and suggestions of users for purposes of the provisions of Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data. Ocean Luxury Yacht, Inc. undertakes to respect and facilitate users of the rights recognized by law, in particular, rights of access, rectification and cancellation of data.
The legal notice regulates the conditions, access and the use of the website, its content and services made available to users. Moreover it will be accepted by the user by simply visiting the website. The user declares to be of age and has legal capacity to be bound and accept the conditions of the legal notice which are detailed here.
All images, logos and texts of the webpage belong to oceanluxyachts.com, and they are protected by copyright. It is not allowed the total or partial reproduction of these images, logos, or information without the consent of oceanluxyachts.com.
Copyright © oceanluxyachts.com 2023
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